INFORMS Open Forum

Social Network Modeling - special issue papers due June 30

  • 1.  Social Network Modeling - special issue papers due June 30

    Posted 05-13-2015 17:06
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: INFORMS Open Forum and JuniorFaculty Int Grp Forum .
    Reminder Call for Papers, Special Issue of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
    (sorry for cross-postings)
    Issue on "Social Network Modeling", Submission Deadline - June 30, 2015 (please see the details below)
    Guest Editor: Alexander Nikolaev
    University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
    Socio-Economic Planning Sciences will publish a special issue on social
    network modeling and analysis. Social connections serve as channels for
    information flow and influence propagation, and capture dependencies
    that affect individual human preferences and judgments, as well as
    organizational relations and decisions. Operational models, explicitly
    incorporating network effects, are primed to inform decision-making
    efforts that target improvements in organizational structure, team
    effort coordination, marketing strategies, enable management of social
    support systems, and promote the spread of healthy and environmentally
    conscious behaviors. This special issue welcomes submissions that work
    to reveal and interpret social and economic network structure patterns,
    help evaluate systemic risks, and analyze social programs and policies,
    through modeling, theory development, empirical research, reviews and
    case studies. Below is a sample list of topics common within the scope
    of this special issue:
    * Modeling collective human behavior (in economics, healthcare and other
    * Identification of high value individuals/hubs and methods for
    attacking/protecting social support networks, network communication
    systems, terrorist networks, etc.
    * Detection and strategic generation of influence cascades
    * Network perspectives on team structure and formation of collaborative
    networks (e.g., research teams, non-governmental organization alliances
    in disaster response, etc.)
    * Treatment of new variations of resource allocation, and other
    traditional optimization problem formulations, explicitly incorporating
    social constraints (e.g., nurse scheduling)
    * Generation and distribution of social capital (e.g., in supply chain
    * The impact of social connections on political stability, bureaucracy,
    and corruption.
    The guest editor also welcomes manuscripts that study other topics
    pertaining to the impact of social connections and communication on
    decision-making. The special issue will include papers that offer
    methodological and/or practical insights. We welcome contributions
    relying on a broad range of quantitative approaches, however, priority
    will be given to the submissions making original advances in modeling
    and/or optimization. In light of the scope of SEPS, all papers must
    clearly demonstrate the public sector relevance of their contributions.
    All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the Elsevier
    Editorial System (EES) You must select
    Social Network Modeling as the Article Type to make sure that your paper
    will be considered for the special issue. The submission deadline is
    June 30, 2015. The plan is to publish the special issue in early 2017.
    Researchers from all relevant disciplines are invited to consider this
    special issue as an outlet for their work. Contact the guest editor
    Alexander Nikolaev for inquiries on this special
    Dr. Alexander Nikolaev, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
    University at Buffalo (SUNY)
    409 Bell Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-2050
    Phone: 716-645-4710
    Fax: 716-645-3302

    Alexander Nikolaev
    University at Buffalo
    Buffalo NY