INFORMS Open Forum

Big Data / Scientist - Statistician - Operations Research Scientist

  • 1.  Big Data / Scientist - Statistician - Operations Research Scientist

    Posted 04-28-2015 07:32
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: Boston Chapter and INFORMS Open Forum .

    Dear  all fellow INFORMS members,


    Greetings, Good morning. I would like to start a discussion of the phraseology going around to describe, these are all allied / sister disciplines.-- Mathematics/  Statistics  / Operations Research and now BigData and Data Scientist ( with heavy CS implication).  I am indifferent, but we in ASA / some in INFORMS have folks with strong feelings and choosing to  have clear cut definitions. 

    I am for ever just " It is all Math" broad brush , but there are different times now. And everyone wants clear definition with BIG DATA SCIENCE / Scientist -- title proliferation, and there is good money to be had in the Market Place for such titles and of course the actual work.  Thought  I would get our INFORMS membership views.


    Best regards, 

    Chandrasekhara Ganti
    Operations Research Analyst/ Applied Statistician
    Independent Consulting
    Franklin MA