INFORMS Open Forum

RegressIt: free Excel add-in for linear regression and multivariate data analysis

  • 1.  RegressIt: free Excel add-in for linear regression and multivariate data analysis

    Posted 04-20-2015 11:05
    Dear INFORMS colleagues:
    Version 2.2 of RegressIt, a free Excel add-in for linear regression and multivariate data analysis, has just been released at  Its graphical output for regression is designed to be superior to what is provided by commonly used statistics packages and programming languages, and it includes a number of unique features that help to teach and support best practices of data analysis.   It's also fun to use.  Regression output worksheets include many live formulas as well as interactive presentation-quality tables and charts.   If you are a PC user who applies or teaches linear regression or descriptive data analysis to any extent, RegressIt will probably make a good companion, if not substitute, for some of the software you are currently using.  Take it for a tour-it's offered for free as  public service.

    Robert Nau
    Duke University
    Durham NC