INFORMS Open Forum

Post-pandemic supply chain workshop at University of Louisville

  • 1.  Post-pandemic supply chain workshop at University of Louisville

    Posted 08-19-2021 10:34
    Edited by Monica Gentili 08-19-2021 10:35
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    Dear colleague – We welcome you to join the following workshop and feel free to distribute to those you think might be interested.

    Logistics and Distribution Institute at University of Louisville
    September 22-23          11am-2:30pm EST on both days

    The pandemic brought unprecedented disruptions to global logistics and supply chain operations over the last year, yet also provided opportunities for increased supply chain and logistics efficiencies, responsiveness, and resiliency. This workshop aims to provide leaders across a variety of industries with perspectives, actionable ideas, and strategies towards their supply chain reconfiguration post-pandemic.

    Prominent academic leaders in supply chains from MIT, Rutgers Business School, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and the University of Illinois will be joined by seasoned industry leaders from General Electric Appliances, a Haier company, UPS and AHS to deliver a dynamic series of presentations and panel discussions. The two half-day virtual format is designed to offer maximal flexibility and participation.

    Register Now!


    Monica Gentili  Ph.D.

    Associate Professor | Director, Ph.D. Program in IE

    Department of Industrial Engineering | University of Louisville

    Co-Director | Logistics and Distribution Institute (LoDI)


    Phone:  502-852-0143

