INFORMS Open Forum

Call for Intent to Host the 2024 MSOM Conference

  • 1.  Call for Intent to Host the 2024 MSOM Conference

    Posted 12-15-2021 10:14
    Dear Colleagues,

    This is a call for intent to host the MSOM Conference in 2024.

    We thank Technical University of Munich for hosting the 2022 MSOM Conference on June 26-28, 2022, and we thank McGill University for hosting the 2023 MSOM Conference. By our tradition, the 2024 MSOM Conference will be held in North America. Schools outside of North America are encouraged to consider hosting the conference in 2025.

    If you and your colleagues are interested in hosting the 2024 MSOM Conference, please send an email of intent to the MSOM officers at by February 28, 2022. Your intent is not a commitment but a starting point of discussing the possibilities and opportunities.

    For schools that are interested in hosting but concerned about space availability for hundreds of attendees, off-campus venues can be considered. If schools have concerns about costs, we have some good news: The last MSOM Conference at the Kelley School of Business generated a surplus of close to 36K because the Indiana University absorbed most of the labor costs. The Kelley School has decided to use the surplus to sponsor the MSOM Conferences in the next three years, including the 2024 MSOM Conference. Schools can also consider the possibility of a jointly organized conference where two or more schools in the same location can organize the conference collectively.

    If you have any questions when considering the opportunity to host the 2024 MSOM Conference, please do not hesitate to contact us at

    Have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday!

    Your MSOM Officers,
    Feryal, Burak, Tim, and Owen

    Owen Wu
    Associate Professor
    Indiana University
    Bloomington IN