INFORMS Open Forum

  • 1.  Wishing You a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

    Posted 12-11-2020 10:37
    Edited by Pinar Keskinocak 12-11-2020 10:38

    Dear INFORMS Members,

    When I stepped into my role as the 2020 president of INFORMS a year ago, none of us could have imagined what the next 12 months would hold. This has truly been a year of challenge and change for everyone, personally and professionally. But despite the pandemic, and perhaps because of it to some degree, I continue to be inspired by the INFORMS community, for staying strong, working hard, and making phenomenal contributions that truly give life to the ideals of saving lives, saving money, and solving problems. 

    As this year draws to a close, perhaps my biggest takeaway is how truly thankful I feel for the dedicated INFORMS staff, our many wonderful volunteers, our incredible INFORMS members, and my fellow Board members, who have helped INFORMS navigate these unprecedented circumstances. The wisdom and guidance provided by the INFORMS Board have aided our ability to weather the unprecedented business challenges we have faced as a result of COVID-19. They have continued to provide exemplary service to our members and our community while adapting to and overcoming every challenge placed before them. 

    As we look ahead to 2021, I ask that you continue to support their efforts and those of yours peers by nominating fellow INFORMS members for election to the upcoming open positions on the Board of Directors in 2021!

    Finally, I am thankful for our global and diverse INFORMS community, whose dedication to making the world a better place makes me proud to be a member of INFORMS each and every day. I am in awe of the talent and contributions you bring to bear. It has been an honor and a privilege to represent you and serve as your president, and I am grateful to have had this unique and wonderful opportunity. 

    I look forward to the year ahead serving on the Board as Past President, and to continue to do my part to support this incredible community. 

    Thank you, and I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season.

    Pinar Keskinocak
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta GA

  • 2.  RE: Wishing You a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

    Posted 12-12-2020 14:58

    Thank you, Pinar. What a year! Under your leadership, INFORMS successfully continued 1) publishing high quality content; 2) hosting well-attended conferences that fostered networking, collaboration, and thought leadership; 3) offering professional development opportunities and our highly rated Certified Analytics Professional prep and exams; 4) delivering COVID-19 related expertise to our members, government officials, and other influencers; and 5) bringing together thousands of members on CONNECT, webinars, e-seminars, etc.
    Of course you also co-led the search committee that hired me! (It is an honor to serve as INFORMS' Executive Director.) You did all of this (and more) with a focus on increasing our diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

    Also, you did all of this and more on top of your day job, your incredible research agenda related to COVID-19, and your personal role as a mother and wife. Wow!!

    On behalf of all INFORMS staff, thank you and happy holidays.


    Elena Gerstmann
    Executive Director
    Highland Park NJ