INFORMS Open Forum

Deployable RL Workshop at RLC 2024 (Paper submission deadline: May 8)

  • 1.  Deployable RL Workshop at RLC 2024 (Paper submission deadline: May 8)

    Posted 04-15-2024 23:24

    Dear colleagues,

    We are excited to announce the Deployable RL workshop at the inaugural Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC) to be held on August 9th in Amherst, MA.

    The focus of the workshop is on understanding and overcoming the challenges of deploying RL in applied/production settings. We are interested in both methodological work that enables deployability (e.g., offline RL, OPE, safety, interpretability) and applications (e.g., industrial automation, healthcare, personalization, and recommendations). If your work aligns with these topics, we invite you to consider submitting short or long papers (ranging from 4-8 pages). The submission deadline is May 8th, 2024. The workshop is non-archival and therefore submission to this workshop does not affect your ability to submit your work to other conferences and journals.

    We are also pleased to share that we have an impressive lineup of keynote speakers, including Hamsa Bastani (Wharton), Minmin Chen (Deepmind), Aviral Kumar (Deepmind/CMU), John Langford (MSR), and Hongseok Namkoong (Columbia). We also have an exciting panel planned with  Remi Cadane (Hugging Face), Dhruv Madeka (Amazon), Daniel Russo (Columbia), Kaushik Subramanian (Sony AI), and Zheqing Zhu (Meta, the panel moderator).


    We look forward to your submissions! Please reach out to with any questions!

    Deployable RL workshop organizers
    Jalaj Bhandari (Meta)
    Yonathan Efroni (Meta)
    Mohammad Ghavamzadeh (Amazon)
    Daniel Jiang (Meta)
    Aldo Pacchiano (Boston University)
    Yi Wan (Meta)
    Kelly W. Zhang (Columbia Business School)
    Angela Zhou (USC Marshall)

    Daniel Jiang
    Research Scientist
    New York NY