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top cited articles in Decision Analysis

  • 1.  top cited articles in Decision Analysis

    Posted 05-20-2021 19:01

    To get a sense of the range of issues covered in Decision Analysis, here are some articles and topics that were heavily cited in the last few years:

    1) Financial decision making

    How Riskily Do I Invest? The Role of Risk Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, and Overconfidence (Nosic and Weber,

    2) Social media in decision making

    Social Media Analytics: Literature Review and Directions for Future Research (Rathore et al.,

    Timely Decision Analysis Enabled by Efficient Social Media Modeling (Allen et al.,

    3) Homeland security

    Modeling a Multitarget Attacker–Defender Game with Budget Constraints (Guan et al.,

    Governments' and Terrorists' Defense and Attack in a T-Period Game (Hausken and Zhuang,

    4) Methods for eliciting subjective probability

    Choosing a Strictly Proper Scoring Rule (Merkle and Steyvers,

    Vicki Bier
    Professor Emerita
    University of Wisconsin
    Madison WI