INFORMS Open Forum

MSOM Board thanks all SIG Chairs, SIG Day Chairs, and SIG Day Reviewers

  • 1.  MSOM Board thanks all SIG Chairs, SIG Day Chairs, and SIG Day Reviewers

    Posted 05-04-2022 15:23

    Dear SIG Chairs, SIG Day Chairs, and SIG Day Reviewers,

    As the MSOM Board, we would like to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for all the hard work you put into this year's SIG Day paper review process.  Thank you!

    This year, we had 258 submissions. 


    No of Papers Submitted














    About 40% of these papers were submitted as fast track, an enormous success for the first year of this initiative.  Thanks to all your hard work, we put together a fantastic programme and passed papers to M&SOM Editorial Board for potential fast-tracking.  Both were only possible due to the calibre of the reviewer reports that we have received this year.  

    An immediate success of the review process was the significant improvement in the overall quality of the review reports we received.  The constructive review process helps all papers; we received feedback from authors who benefited from the reports they received.  Thank you! We understand this was an arduous process. Yet, thanks to all your positive energy, efforts, suggestions and constructive feedback, it was a success.

    We are looking forward to seeing all of you in Munich for our first in-person conference in 2 years.  Let's celebrate our collaboration and success as a society.

    Finally, please let us know if you have any feedback to improve the process. You can reply to this email, or we can set up a time to discuss.

    Warmest Regards,

    Feryal, Burak, Owen and Tim



    Feryal Erhun
    Cambridge Judge Business School
    University of Cambridge