INFORMS Open Forum

(New Deadlines) Call for Talks and Session Chairs: Optimization under Uncertainty in 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, October 16-19, 2022

  • 1.  (New Deadlines) Call for Talks and Session Chairs: Optimization under Uncertainty in 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, October 16-19, 2022

    Posted 03-15-2022 22:57

    Dear Colleagues,

    We are organizing the cluster of sessions on Optimization under Uncertainty Cluster session chairs in the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, October 16-19, 2022. We are interested in both theory and applications of decision-making under uncertainty, including but not limited to Stochastic Programming, Robust Optimization, Risk Aversion, Distributionally Robust Optimization, Machine Learning, Online Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. The sessions related with DEI topics (see, e.g., can be cross-listed with INFORMS DEI.

    If you would like to chair a session or give a talk, please enter the information in the relevant tab of:

    Optimization under Uncertainty

    following the instructions therein.

    According to INFORMS Recent Rules, please note:

    1. Each session chair should invite 4 speakers with regular talk and 1 with flash talk.
    2. The "one-talk-per-speaker" policy is still in place. That is, each speaker can present only one regular talk or one flash talk.
    3. Indicate whether your talk is a regular one or a flash one in the spreadsheet. 
    4. Any talks not in a session will be grouped into sessions under similar themes at that point. You are welcome to form sessions if you see talks that can be grouped together.  
    5. The important dates are listed below:
      • April 11: Deadline for chairing a session
      • May 2: Deadline for session chairs to invite presenters 
      • May 16: Deadline for presenters to submit abstracts 



    Weijun Xie

    Weijun Xie
    Assistant Professor
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg VA