INFORMS Open Forum

New deadline for paper/extended abstract submission to ICORD 2016: February 15

  • 1.  New deadline for paper/extended abstract submission to ICORD 2016: February 15

    Posted 01-29-2016 13:18
    Dear colleagues,

    By popular request, the deadline for paper/extended abstract submission to ICORD 2016 has been extended to February 15, 2016.  Below you will find more information about the conference. Please forward this message to your colleagues interested in operations research for development.

    Best regards,

    Adrián Ramírez Nafarrate

    International Conference on Operational Research for Development

    ICORD 2016

    ITAM, México City, México.

    June 9-10, 2016.



    The International Conference on OR for Development 2016 (ICORD 2016) will be held on June 9-10 2016 at the facilities of Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) in Mexico City.

    The theme of ICORD 2016 is "Constructing pathways to advanced societies through OR". Envisioning advanced societies as organized social groups that pursue higher standards of quality of life, OR may play an important role in decision making for the development of more efficient policies regarding sustainability, healthcare, energy, mobility, education, etc.

    ICORD 2016 aims to attract researchers to present their contribution for constructing the pathways to advanced societies through OR methods.

    Call for Papers

    Authors with papers that fit the scope of ICORD 2016 are encouraged to participate. The papers must present a problem or element that is representative of the context of developing countries. Extended abstracts will be accepted. Submission system is now available via the conference website:

    Guest Speakers

    Rafael Epstein. Universidad de Chile.

    ·        Franz Edelman Award 1998 (Operations Optimization of Forest Companies in Chile).

    ·        IFORS - OR for Development Prize Competition 2002 (Combinatorial Auctions Improves Schools Meals in Chile).

    ·        Chilean Innovator of the Year, 2008.

    ·        Best paper in Natural Resources, INFORMS, 2014.

    ·        Associated Editor of the Naval Research Logistics journal.

    Andrés L. Medaglia. Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).

    ·        Co-recipient of the EURO Award for the Best EJOR (Review) Paper in 2015

    ·        Co-recipient of the First Prize in the 2011 INFORMS Railway Application Section Problem Solving Competition.

    ·        Currently serves as Liason for the Americas in the Transportation Science & Logistics Society (TSL) – INFORMS.

    ·        Currently is a member of the Best Paper Award Committee in the Transportation Science & Logistics Society (TSL) – INFORMS.

    ·        Currently serves as Vicepresident of the Colombian Operational Research Society (ASOCIO).

    Gilberto Calvillo Vives. Instituto de Matemáticas (México)

    ·        More than 30 years of experience in Banco de México.

    ·        President of INEGI (National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics) 2001-2008.

    ·        Former President of the Mexican Institute of Systems and Operations Research.

    ·        Former President of the EDI-México Committee.

    ·        Chair of the Statistical Commission of the United Nations 2006-2008.

    ·        Nominated as "Systems Man" for the year 1999 by Information Week magazine.

    ·        Recipient of the "Lázaro Cárdenas" medal in 2007.


    Important Dates

    Deadline for paper submission: February 15, 2016.

    Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2016.

    Early registration: April 1, 2016.

    Conference date: June 9-10, 2016.

    More information is available in the website:



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