INFORMS Open Forum

Submissions for 2016 Analytics Conference Due Friday

  • 1.  Submissions for 2016 Analytics Conference Due Friday

    Posted 01-07-2016 14:44

    Hope everyone has the 2016 Analytics Conference in Orlando on their calendar! As we dip down below freezing here at INFORMS Headquarters, I know I'm looking forward to some Florida sunshine!

    Abstracts for both oral presentations and poster presentations are due, Friday, January 8. 

    If you are a student looking to break into industry, the INFORMS Professional Colloquium is a great way to attend the conference at a reduced rate, network, and learn from experienced practitioners. Also, SAS and the Analytics Section have a Case Competition that will cover your entire conference experience.

    Can't wait to see you in April! :)

    Mary Leszczynski
    Design & Brand Manager
    Catonsville MD