INFORMS Open Forum

Last Call: Register for the Product Innovation and Technology Management (PITM) Mini Conference

  • 1.  Last Call: Register for the Product Innovation and Technology Management (PITM) Mini Conference

    Posted 10-25-2015 14:39
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    Dear All,

    Please find attached the schedule of events and the location information for the PITM Mini Conference to be held at the The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 31 2015 (prior to the INFORMS Annual Meeting). 

    If you are planning to attend the conference, but haven't had a chance to register yet, we encourage you to do so by 27th October (Tuesday) by going to the following link:

    We look forward to your participation in the mini conference!


    Organizing Committee:

    Raul Chao (University of Virginia)

    Sebastian Fixson (Babson College) 

    Anant Mishra (George Mason University)

    Sezer Ulku (Georgetown University)

    Gulru Ozkan Seely (University of Washington)

    Debasish N. Mallick (University of St. Thomas)  



    POMS Product Innovation and Technology Management (PITM) Mini Conference

    Date: Saturday, October 31st 2015, 11:00am-5:30pm

    (Prior to the INFORMS Annual Meeting)


    Co-Sponsored by

    Mack Institute for Innovation Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania


    Batten Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia

    The Product Innovation and Technology Management College of POMS will hold its bi-annual mini conference at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 31 2015. As in previous years, the mini conference this year promises to be an intellectually stimulating event that will showcase leading edge thinking and ideas from the world of practice and academia in the area of innovation. 

    The registration website for the conference is now live. Please follow the link below to complete the registration process:

    The registration cost is $75 for faculty (free for doctoral students). The conference agenda is attached to this e-mail.  

    Conference Check-In and Boxed Lunch Pick-Up:  11:00am

    Conference Wrap-Up:  5:30pm

    Confirmed Speakers and Events:

    • Karl Ulrich, Vice Dean of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the CIBC Professor of Entrepreneurship and e-Commerce at the Wharton School of the  University of Pennsylvania
    • Dan Levinthal, Reginald H. Jones Professor of Corporate Strategy and Department Chair at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
    • Ari Brooks, Director of Endocrine and Oncologic Surgery and Director of the Integrated Breast Center at Pennsylvania Hospital
    • Robert Borland, Directing Senior Manager, External Innovation R&D and IT at Johnson and Johnson
    • PITM Best Student Paper Presentation and Award Ceremony

    We are looking forward to seeing you in Philadelphia for the mini conference.



    Anant Mishra
    George Mason University
    Fairfax VA
