
How Technology Is Improving Health and Wellness

By James Mellor posted 04-01-2019 22:00


Technology is constantly changing industries for the better. The effect it has had on the medical industry in recent years has been incredible. Even though there are a lot of different serious medical conditions you can suffer from, humans continue to have a longer life expectancy thanks to the development of new technologies. Here are some of the most notable ways technology is improving health and wellness.

Wearable Trackers and Mobile Apps

Wearable trackers and mobile apps have completely changed how much people know about their health. Using these tools can improve your quality of life by keeping you engaged in your own health. You’ll have access to real-time data which will keep you informed about everything from activity levels to sleep quality. Chances are that you’re going to take action if you know exactly what you can do to improve your health.

On top of that, these apps encourage proactive healthcare. In the past, people would visit a doctor if they started experiencing strange symptoms. While this was definitely the right course of action, it didn’t guarantee you would find out what’s causing in time to treat it properly. This is because patients would go to a doctor after their condition started causing problems. However, nowadays wearable trackers and mobile apps allow you to take action in the early stages. Since it collects important data, healthcare professionals are able to easily find a lot of important information regarding your health.

Improved Communication between Patients and Doctors

You can get in contact with a real nurse on doctor no matter where you’re located, just as long as you have an internet connection. There are plenty of websites that offer instant messengers where you can chat with doctors and get your questions answered. One of the main reasons why improved communication is so important is because it reduces the number of people who would’ve otherwise gone to their local hospital for answers. Not to mention that people are able to reduce their anxiety over health since they can have their questions answered in a matter of minutes without having to leave their home.

This has especially changed the way patients in rural areas get treated. In these areas, most patients don’t have a good doctor near them. But thanks to improved communication, they’re able to get in contact with a specialized doctor and ask for help. Not only that, but doctors can help one another through online messengers when it comes to diagnosing and treating patients.

Vaping as an Alternative to Smoking

Vaping is a technology that was first introduced in 2006. Nevertheless, many people have managed to quit smoking harmful tobacco cigarettes thanks to it. Keep in mind that vaping is a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, as it neither involves the burning of tobacco nor the inhaling of dangerous smoke. You won’t have to worry about any type of unpleasant smells either. It also allows you to regulate your nicotine intake. E-cigarettes are an excellent option for people who can’t quit smoking cold turkey.

Better Treatment Options

Certain diseases have been almost completely eradicated thanks to vaccines and we’re constantly seeing better treatment options both for minor and major health problems. On top of that, experts have developed ways to help keep a patient’s body working until they find a transplant. The perfect example of this would be the dialysis machine, which removes waste from the body when your kidneys are no longer able to do this.

Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) represent one of the most notable advancements in medicine. Back when paper records were being used, doctors had a hard time sharing and transferring patient records. However, now they’re able to access and transfer information in a matter of seconds.

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