

Minutes of the Optimization Section (OS) business meeting during the INFORMS conference in Dallas, TX, October 28, 1997:

1. The meeting was called to order by Leon Lasdon, OS chair, at 6:30 pm.
2. Secretary/tresurer's report:
Our membership has increased from 347 members in Sept. 1996 to 505 in Sept. 1997.
The balance on our account has also increased from $1,558 to $2,124 during the same time period.
Outgoing officers: L. Lasdon, R. Monteiro, T. McCormick, A. Boyd.
Incoming officers: J.-S. Pang (chair), M. Ferris (vice-chair), S. Ceria (Integer Programming), J. Leung (Networks), Y. Ye (Linear Programming).

3. Conferences:
OS was contacted by the organizing committee of the INFORMS Israel meeting (June 28-July 1, 1998). Anyone interested in organizing a cluster should contact Garry Waissi (gwaissi@umich.edu). A cluster should include approximately 4-5 sessions, each with 3-4 papers.
The Montreal conference is well on its way.
There will be a significant optimization component in Seattle (fall 1998 INFORMS meeting). Further information will be provided to members soon.
The organizers of the Cincinnati INFORMS meeting (May 2-5, 1999) are looking for cluster chairs. The contact person for sponsored sessions is George Polak of Wright State University (gpolak@wright.edu).

4. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Nick Sahinidis, OS secretary/treasurer.