Abstracts Due for 2022 Annual

When:  May 16, 2022

New This Year

All talks submitted for a contributed presentation to the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting will be delivered as (1) a 15-minute talk in a standard 4-talk session or (2) a 5-minute talk in a flash session (to be decided by the cluster chairs). The flash sessions will be organized with up to 10 presentations on the same themes that can focus on the motivation and results of their work, followed by a 15-20 minute interactive Q&A between the audience and presenters. Flash talks are expected to provide more opportunities for speakers to present their work and results with more meaningful interactions between presenters and the audience. Moreover, a flash talk can include a 15-minute companion video in addition to the presentation; the companion videos will be accessed by attendees for up to two (2) months following the conference. Submitters will be notified by June 15 if their abstract submission was selected for a standard session or a flash session.