The Journal of M&SOM will become a bi-monthly journal in 2020
Christopher Tang
The INFORMS board of directors has approved our request to make M&SOM a bi-monthly journal beginning January 2020! With 50% more extra capacity, we can attract more submissions, publish more high quality papers, and support our ever-growing OM community!
As I reflect upon this great news, I can still remember my plan for the journal "The Past, Present, and Future of M&SOM" Also, my aspiration was to make M&SOM to become a premiere journal in OM just like Marketing Science in the Marketing area.
With the support of the search committee and the INFORMS board, I have been given the honor to serve as Editor of M&SOM since January 2015. Many research colleagues congratulated me. At the same time, many told me that it is impossible for M&SOM to come close to Marketing Science in terms of:
(a) Number of Submissions (because Marketing is a bigger research community);
(b) Impact factor (because Marketing professors know how to promote their research); and
(c) Visibility (because Marketing Science was established 10 years earlier than M&SOM).
Knowing this is a daunting task and knowing that I am not a quitter, I have asked everyone for help in every single possible way. With the support I received from you (colleagues, authors, reviewers, associate editors, department editors, former editors, managing editor), INFORMS board members, INFORMS VP publication, INFORMS publication director, INFORMS staff members, department heads, associate deans, and deans, we have made impossible possible together as follows:
(a) Number of submissions. The submission rate of M&SOM is comparable with Marketing Science.
(b) Impact factor. M&SOM's Impact Factor is comparable with Marketing Science.
(c) Visibility. Like Marketing Science, M&SOM is on the Financial Times top 50 journal list since January 2017.
As M&SOM becomes bi-monthly in 2020, M&SOM has the same characteristics as Marketing Science.
We have made impossible possible together! Thank you!
Christopher Tang
University of California-Los Angeles
Los Angeles CA