Special Issue on Responsible Research in Operations Management
Guest Editors
Serguei Netessine
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, netessin@wharton.upenn.edu
Christopher Tang
Anderson School of Management, UCLA, chris.tang@anderson.ucla.edu
Michael Toffel
Harvard Business School, mtoffel@hbs.edu
Submission Deadline: August 1, 2020
Responsible research is defined as studies that produce useful and credible knowledge that addresses problems important to business and society. Credibility refers to the reliability and validity or trustworthiness of the findings, in either inductive or deductive work, using either qualitative or quantitative data, or both. Usefulness refers to the potential relevance of the knowledge produced to inform policies and practices with positive societal impact. The purpose of responsible research is to encourage studies contributing knowledge that may have implications for making the world a better place through informing evidence-based, high quality and societally beneficial organizational practices across business, government and non-government organizations. We invite submissions that exemplify the seven principles of responsible research (please see below).
Evaluation Criteria
The criteria used to evaluate submissions will be assessed along the 7 Principles described in the position paper "Responsible Research for Business and Management: Striving for Credible and Useful Knowledge" (see https://rrbm.network/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Position_-Paper.pdf). While a manuscript need not satisfy every criterion, it will be assessed along each of the following principle dimensions:
Principle 1 - Service to Society: Research aims to develop knowledge that benefits business / organizations and the broader society, locally and globally, for the ultimate purpose of creating a better world.
Principle 2 - Stakeholder Involvement: Research has been conducted via a process that values the involvement of different stakeholders who can play a critical role at various stages of the scientific process, without compromising the independence of inquiry (e.g., ethical identification of results and reporting of data.)
Principle 3 - Impact on Stakeholders: Research has an impact on diverse stakeholders, and helps contribute to better business and a better world.
Principle 4 - Valuing Both Basic and Applied Contributions: Contributions of the research are respected and recognized among school deans, journal editors, funders, accrediting agencies, and other stakeholders.
Principle 5 - Valuing Plurality and Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Research reflects a diversity in research themes, methods, forms of scholarship, types of inquiry, and interdisciplinary collaboration to reflect the plurality and complexity of business and societal problems.
Principle 6 - Sound Methodology: Research implements sound scientific methods and processes in both quantitative and qualitative or both theoretical and empirical domains.
Principle 7 - Broad Dissemination: Research has contributed to diverse forms of knowledge dissemination that collectively advance basic knowledge and practice.
Based on these principles, we have conceived a list of potential OM topics that are a good fit for this special issue to yield credible and societally useful knowledge:
- OM research that studies any of 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs): operational issues related to eradication of poverty, hunger, improving health, increasing quality of education, gender equality, clean sanitation, affordable and clear energy, etc. See https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs
- OM research that addresses any of the risks identified in the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2019, including operational issues associated with macro-economic tensions (e.g., impact of tariffs on global supply chains), environmental risks, technological vulnerabilities, biological threats, rising sea levels, etc. See http://reports.weforum.org/global-risks-2019/
- OM research that examines impact on multiple stakeholders with competing objectives.
We note that the list provided above is not exhaustive. Authors are encouraged to contact the special issue guest editor(s) if they have questions about fit with respect to the special issue. The recently announced MSOM Award for Responsible Research in Operations Management will provide another indication of appropriate papers.
Please submit your manuscript online via http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/msom. You must select "Special Issue - Responsible Research in OM" as the Manuscript Type in Step 1 of the submission process.
Associate Editors for the Special Issue
- Gad Allon, University of Pennslyvania
- Volodymyr Babich, Georgetown University
- Wedad Elmaghraby, University of Maryland
- Enno Siemsen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Bradley Staats, University of North Carolina
- Beril Toktay, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Anita Tucker, Boston University
- Karen Zheng, Massachusetts Institue of Technology
Christopher Tang
University of California-Los Angeles
Los Angeles CA