Hi everyone
I just wanted to share two simple models created by my team at the CDC over the last to months to address some logistical issues with COVID. These models have been use to help make decision as small as the city councils and have been used internationally. They are designed so that non-modelers can easily use them and the outputs are straight to the point. They are free to download and run on MS Excel.
Adhikari BB, Fischer LS, Greening B, Jeon S, Kahn EB, Kang GJ, Rainisch G, Meltzer MI, Washington ML (2020). COVIDTracer. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/contact-tracing/COVIDTracer.html. A planning tool to illustrate the resources needed to conduct contact tracing and monitoring of COVID-19 cases and its potential impact.
Adhikari BB, Fischer LS, Greening B, Joan S, Kahn EB, Kang G, Rainisch G, Meltzer MI, Washington ML (2020). COVID19Surge. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/COVIDSurge.html. A planning tool to allocate health facilities during a novel coronavirus pandemic.
Michael L. Washington, Ph.D. (Wash) Industrial Engineer/Health Scientist
US CDC Center for Global Health/Division of Global Health Protection
US CDC National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Michael Bloomberg Data to Policy Initiative
mwashington@cdc.gov ------------------------------