Today's featured session in the INFORMS Military and Security Society cluster at #INFORMS2021 is co-sponsored with the Decision Analysis Society. Dr. Greg Parnell is the Session Chair for Integrated Trade-Off Analytics. He has a great line up of presentations covering #AI for Smart Base Weather and Transportation (Randy Buchanan), Early Life Cycle #Prediction of #Reliability (Tevari Barker), Assessment of Structures and Systems for Enterprise #Tradeoffs (William Brandon Fangio), Feasibility of Lighter Than Air Cargo Airships (Bruce Cox), and Using Value of Information in Quantitative Set-based Design (Nicholas Shallcross). This session (VSB60) is scheduled to take place virtually on Sunday, October 24th from 7:45 - 9:15 am Pacific Time.
The INFORMS Annual Meeting takes place in-person and virtually NEXT WEEK, 24 - 27 October. Register here:
We look forward to seeing everyone at #INFORMS2021 - either in person or virtually!
Special thanks to the INFORMS Staff, INFORMS Military and Security Society Council, and the following Cluster / Session Chairs: Shaun Doheney, PMP, CAP, Paul Goethals, Greg Parnell, Isabella Sanders, Manish Bansal, Quanyan Zhu, and Trevor Bihl
#military #security #operationsresearch #decisionanalysis
Shaun Doheney