The Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing from Ghent University, Belgium, is looking for a PhD candidate in the area of "queueing models for road traffic". The objective of the project is to develop micro queueing models and related stochastic models for the evaluation of intersections of the future and connecting these models to macro link models developed by a research partner of KULeuven. These intersections of the future will be equipped with Vehicle-to-Infrastructure capabilities which can lead to more flexible and efficient intersections. Self-driving cars also come into the picture and could be accounted for in the models. The potential candidate should have a master???s degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Operations Research, Logistics and Traffic or similar. Knowledge of applied probability, queueing models, traffic models and/or optimization is an asset. Applicants should: - Send a motivation letter. - Send a CV, copies of relevant exams, grades, master thesis work or publications. - Name at least 2 persons that might be contacted concerning references, preferentially with a recommendation letter. Applicants should send all information to and Questions for more details can be addressed to: Application deadline is 15 May 2018. The vacancy can be filled before this date if a suitable candidate is found.