Last week, I attended Dr. Kendra C. Taylor's webinar on "Find Your Superpower: Unleash the Power of Analytics". The goal of the webinar was to explore how analytics can be leveraged not only to solve business problems but also for social causes.
A few takeaways from this webinar that correspond to class learning include how she emphasized that problems we have solved in the past, or problems we have encountered, can be addressed using analytics today. As we are in a program specifically designed for mastering analytics, we could reflect on past challenges and come up with solutions using our current knowledge. Another key point related to class was the application of learning by volunteering with organizations to solve their analytics problems, which helps put theoretical knowledge into practice. Additionally, participating in hackathons can allow us to practice our skills and help build our personal brand.
Sam Mathew
University of California Davis
San Francisco CA
Sam Mathew
UC Davis
Daly City CA