INFORMS Open Forum

  • 1.  Version 2.6.0 of Decision Modeling

    Posted 10-15-2021 14:11

    Version 2.6.0 of Decision Modeling is available for free pdf download from:

    This book covers the modeling of linear and integer programming, sensitivity analysis, goal and non-linear programming, and decision analysis. Problem solutions are obtained using both LINGO and the Excel Solver. The use of LINGO is in scalar mode, which avoids the use of sets, thereby making things easier for the intended audience of business students doing a survey course on optimization.

    Even if you are teaching an OR course which overlaps only part of the coverage of this pdf, you might wish to include it in a reading list. It is and will always remain a free resource.

    Solutions to all the end-of-chapter problems (nine pdf files) can be requested by contacting me at

    David M. Tulett, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Faculty of Business Administration
    Memorial University
    St. John's, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5
    “... read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest ...”

  • 2.  RE: Version 2.6.0 of Decision Modeling

    Posted 10-16-2021 10:50
    Dear David,

    I just wanted to thank you for your book on Decision Modeling! It has been a great addition to the reading list for my OR course. I propose some of your problems as class participation exercises. The students find it really useful!


    Diana Ramirez-Rios, PhD
    Industrial and Systems Engineering
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    Troy NY

  • 3.  RE: Version 2.6.0 of Decision Modeling

    Posted 10-19-2021 12:03
    Hello David
    I wanted to thank you for making this book available to us, I am particularly interested in the optimization work you have covered in the book.

    Much Appreciated

    Terrence Balliram

    Terrence Balliram
    Region of Peel
    Brampton ON