INFORMS Open Forum

Decision Modeling e-book updated (free download)

  • 1.  Decision Modeling e-book updated (free download)

    Posted 11-14-2018 13:27
    I have made an updated version of my Decision Modeling e-book (a 10 MB pdf file originally created using LaTeX and PSTricks). It discusses models for linear and integer optimization, goal and NLP models, and decision analysis using decision trees and Bayesian revision. Extensive use is made of Excel and its Solver. This e-book can be downloaded for free from:

    The previous version was announced on the INFORMS Forum in June, 2018. Changes in the text from the June version are minor: they include updating three URLs, amending a few sentences, and adding a problem at the end of Chapter 8.
    Please email me at if you would like a copy of the solutions (nine pdf files). The revised Chapter 8 pdf file includes the solution for the newly added problem.

    David M. Tulett, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Faculty of Business Administration
    Memorial University
    St. John's, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5
    Mobile: 709.689.5858