The Data Mining Section of INFORMS is organizing the 2018 INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics on November 03, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ in conjunction with the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting
Copyright: The DM workshop will not retain the copyrights on the papers; so, the authors are free to submit their papers to other outlets. The papers will be shared to participants on a CD, but they will not be posted online.
The registration for the workshop is now open.
Please note that this event is listed under Pre-meeting Events as: INFORMS 13th Workshop on Data Mining & Decision Analytics, Saturday, November 03, 2018
Topics of Interest
Workshop topics may include all areas of data mining, machine learning, and decision making with data that fall in one or more of the following categories:
- Data Science
- Large-Scale Data Analytics and Big Data – Data-Driven Decision-Making
- Visual Analytics
- Web Analytics/Web Mining
- Social Media Analytics
- Classification, Clustering, and Feature Selection – Text Mining
- Reliability & Maintenance
- Bayesian Data Analytics
- Healthcare Analytics
- Simulation/Optimization in Data Analytics
- Interpretable Data Mining
- Longitudinal Data Analysis
- Causal Mining (Inference)
- Analytics in Social Media & Finance
- Anomaly Detection
- Other Industrial Applications of Data Science
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
May 14: Paper submissions open
Sept 14: maximum of (single-spaced) 10-page papers due (Please send full papers to mailto:Ellen.tralongo@informs.org
Sept 21: Review decisions sent out
October 01: (Revised) Final Paper due
November 03: Workshop
Papers should follow the below listed guidelines:
Maximum of 10 pages (including all-abstract, references, tables, and figures, Single-spaced)
11-point font with one-inch margins on four sides
Copyright: The DM workshop will not retain the copyrights on the papers; so, the authors are free to submit their papers to other outlets. The papers will be shared to participants on a CD, but they will not be posted online.
Publication opportunity at the special issue:
Participants of this workshop are encouraged to submit their extended manuscripts to the special issue of Data Mining & Decision Analytics at the Annals of Operations Research journal.
For more information, contact the special issue guest editors:
Victoria Chen, University of Texas at Arlington
Asil Oztekin, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Seoung Bum Kim, Korea University
Registration Fees
All participants should pay the full amount of the regular Informs Conference Registration fee and additionally below listed fee to participate at this workshop. These below listed fees include full-day meal courses (breakfast and lunch) for the day of November 03. Only the registered participants (both to the Informs Conference and to the DMDA Workshop itself) would be eligible to present, participate, and audit the event.
Students: $75.00 per student (breakfast and lunch are included)
Non-Students: $150.00 per non-student (breakfast and lunch are included)
Highlights of the DMDA Workshop
Best Paper Presentation Contest
Authors of all papers which are accepted after a rigorous one-round review process AND after an in-person presentation at the workshop would be eligible for this contest. The contest is focused on coherence between the content of the paper as well as the presentation. It will be judged by a panel of DMDA Workshop chair and session chairs on any topic related to data mining & decision analytics. In addition to a name-engraved plaque, following monetary awards would be presented to the winners:
Best Student Paper: $250; Best Non-student Paper: $250.
Editors' Panel: How to publish in Top journals? (5:30 pm – 06:30 pm)
Top-tier premier outlets of the leading journals in the field of data mining and decision analytics would be represented by their respective editors. After a short presentation of the editors (5 minutes each), there will be a Q&A session, in which the audience would have chance to ask questions to the editors. The following list of editors (and the corresponding journals they would represent in alphabetical order) will be participating at this panel:
Productions and Operations Management -Dr. Sudobha Kumar
Productions and Operations Management -Dr. Saravanan Kesavan
Management Science -Dr. Manel Baucells
Journal of Operations Management - Dr. Suzanne de Treville
Keynote Speakers of the DMDA Workshop:
Dr. Subodha Kumar: is Dr. Subodha Kumar joins the Fox School as a Full Professor within the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management. He will hold secondary appointments within the Management Information Systems and Statistical Science departments. Kumar also will serve as the Director of Fox's Center for Data Analytics. Kumar arrives at Fox after holding the Carol and G. David Van Houten Professorship at Texas A&M University's Mays Business School. He has held appointments at the University of Washington and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He also holds a Visiting Distinguished Professorship at the Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in China and a Visiting Professorship at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India. His research and teaching interests include healthcare analytics, social-media analytics, web analytics, and cybersecurity, among others. Kumar has published numerous papers in high quality journals and conferences. In addition, he has authored a book, and co-authored book chapters, Harvard Business School cases, and Ivey cases. He also holds a patent. Kumar serves as the deputy editor of Production and Operations Management and a senior editor of Decision Sciences. Kumar studied at the University of Texas at Dallas, where he earned his PhD and MBA. He also received a Master's degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from BIT Sindri, both in India.
Dr. Roger Chiang is a Professor of Information Systems at Department of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems, Carl H. Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati. Chiang's research interests are in big data and analytics, data and knowledge management, and intelligent systems. He has articles published by journals such as ACM Transactions on Database Systems, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Decision Support Systems, Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Management Information Systems, Marketing Science, MIS Quarterly, and Very Large Data Base Journal. He has served as the senior editor of The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, Decision Sciences, and Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and the associate editor of Information & Management, Journal of Database Management, and MIS Quarterly. He has been the reviewer for more than twenty journals of computer science and information systems.
Aaron Burciaga is a data scientist and leader in Booz Allen's defense business, focusing on the application of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive forms of analysis to drive strategic decision making and millions of dollars in cost savings for his clients. In his more than 15 years of experience, Aaron has shaped commercial, federal, and Department of Defense strategies in data analytics, inventory management, requirements forecasting, maintenance planning, transportation networks, energy planning, organizational analytics maturity assessments, and much more.
Aaron is a sought-after speaker, sharing thought leadership and training at the crossroads of his technical interests: advanced analytics, machine intelligence, global logistics, and information management.
Prior to joining Booz Allen, Aaron worked at Accenture Digital-Advanced Analytics as an analytics executive. Before turning his attentions to commercial and public sectors, Aaron was a Marine Corps officer and Iraq war veteran, and was the head operations research analyst and director of an operations analysis activity at the Pentagon, supporting the Marine Corps Headquarters. He is currently a Marine reservist, supporting the Chief Information Officer at Headquarters Marine Corps-Pentagon as the Big Data Analytics Architect.
Aaron graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2003 and earned his M.S. in Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School in 2010. He is also a Certified Analytics Professional.
Making Your Presentation
Go to the registration area of the Informs conference between 7:00am -5:00pm and pick up your name badge and other registration materials.
Arrive at your session at least 15 minutes early for A/V set-up and to check in with the session chair.
Limit your presentation to key issues with a brief summary.
Time your presentation to fit within your designated time span, leaving time for audience questions. Time per speaker is determined by the number of papers in the session, with equal time given to each paper.
Bring copies of your paper or other handouts to distribute to the audience.
Courtesy to Fellow Speakers
Attendees are asked to be respectful of their colleagues by turning off cell phones and mobile devices before the presentations begin. In addition, please note that use of cameras and all recording devices is prohibited during sessions unless you have received prior permission from the speaker and the session chair.
Session Chair Guidelines
The role of the Chair is to coordinate the smooth running of the session.
The Chair:
Begins and ends the session on time. Each session lasts 90 minutes, with the time per presentation determined by the number of papers in the session. Equal time should be given to each paper.
Introduces each presentation (just the title of the paper and the name of the presenting author).
Ensures that presentations are made in the order shown in the program. This allows for "session jumping." If a speaker cancels or does not attend, the original time schedule should be adhered to rather than sliding every talk forward.
Completes the session attendance forms (forms will be in the room).
Reminds the audience to (a) turn off all mobile devices and (b) that photography is not allowed without the prior permission of the speaker.
Late Cancellations & No-Shows
Please don't be a "no-show." While we understand that last-minute emergencies may prevent speakers from attending, we urge you to inform us so we can alert attendees. Speakers who fail to notify us that they are not attending are being unfair to their colleagues and the Organizing Committee.
In an effort to improve the quality of the meeting, we maintain records of individuals who are late cancellations and "no-shows." These people may be required to register in advance for future meetings in order for their papers to be scheduled.
Send cancellation in writing a couple days prior the workshop to the chairs, Dr. Ali Dag and Dr. Shouyi Yang with the reason for canceling.
If a speaker is a "no-show," the original time schedule should be adhered to rather than sliding every talk forward. This allows for effective session jumping.
For inquiries, please contact Workshop Chair:
Ali Dag (University of South Dakota, Decision Science and Operational Analytics Department: Ali.dag@usd.edu
Shouyi Wang (University of Texas at Arlington, Industrial Engineering Department: shouyiw@uta.edu
Management Committee:
Victoria Chen (University of Texas at Arlington)
Asil Oztekin (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Onur Seref (Virginia Tech)
Matthew Lanham (Purdue University)
Ali Dag
Assistant Professor of Operational Analytics and Decision Science
Beacom School of Business
University of South Dakota
Vermillion SD