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Version 1.1 of Decision Modeling released (free pdf download)

  • 1.  Version 1.1 of Decision Modeling released (free pdf download)

    Posted 07-24-2019 12:21
    Version 1.1 of Decision Modeling released (free pdf download)

    About a year ago I released a textbook that I had written titled Decision Modeling as a free pdf download. In 583 pages it contains nine chapters of material on linear optimization, sensitivity analysis, networks, integer optimization, non-linear optimization and goal programming, and decision analysis. It was created using LaTeX and PSTricks. Version 1, and its subsequent minor revisions up to version 1.04, have been downloaded more than 8000 times.

    Version 1.1, compiled on July 24, 2019, may be downloaded from Memorial University's repository for educational materials at:

    I have made solutions for the end-of-chapter problems. These nine pdf files may be obtained by sending a request to me at

    David M. Tulett, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Faculty of Business Administration
    Memorial University
    St. John's, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5
    Mobile: 709.689.5858