Happy Fall and welcome to the September "What's Your StORy?" where you can learn more about 2012 INFORMS president Terry Harrison.
Enjoy the Q&A below and feel free to ask more questions on this thread. If you are interested in participating, please contact me or Mary Leszczynski (mary.leszczynski@informs.org).
What's Your StORy?
Terry P. Harrison
Professor of Supply Chain and Information Systems, Earl P. Strong Professor of Business,
Faculty Director of Business Analytics, Penn State University
If you count the heritage organizations of ORSA and TIMS, I became a member of both in 1980/1981.
How do you define "analytics"?
I use the INFORMS definition of “the scientific process of transforming data into insight for making better decisions.”
What is your favorite O.R. application?
I have too many to narrow it to one.
What was your favorite experience as INFORMS president? What did you accomplish during your tenure that you are most proud of?
Answering that is a bit of a challenge. I had a number of very good experiences during my year as president. Perhaps my favorite experience was working with the INFORMS board and administration---all very good, positive people. Helping with INFORMS nascent analytics effort was very satisfying.
What about your career might surprise us?
My “career” started as a logger and then as a forester.
If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?
Being a good husband, father, and grandfather.
What is the best advice you can give to students in your field?
Work on projects or causes that you love and believe in. It is the difference between a job and a career.
How do you relax?
I spend a lot of time outdoors. I also enjoy making furniture.
Which INFORMS journal do you read the most? Why?
Management Science and Interfaces to see new methods and applications.
What would you name the autobiography of your life?
Kara Tucker
Production Editor/Marketing Content Specialist
Catonsville MD