The INFORMS Prize is one of the most prestigious INFORMS recognition awarded for effective integration of operations research/ management sciences (OR/MS) in an organization. The award is to be given to an organization that has repeatedly applied the principles of OR/MS in pioneering, varied, novel, and lasting ways. The contribution is judged relative to the impact OR/MS has had on the overall success of the organization.
We are currently seeking volunteers to serve on the INFORMS Prize Committee. The committee consists of six members plus the past chair. Committee members normally serve two-year terms, staggered so that three new members are added each year. The committee members should be able to complete the following duties:
1. Attending several phone meetings for deliberation of proposals from companies
2. Reviewing company submissions
3. Keeping all deliberation confidential
4. Keeping all submissions confidential and deleting them upon completion of their term on the committee
5. Serving a 2 year term
6. Attending a site visit to one of the submitting companies (optional and not a requirement)
More details about the INFORMS Prize and committee can be found at
INFORMS Prize Committee
Please send an email to Tarun Mohan Lal at if you are interested in serving on the 2017 committee with a copy of your resume highlighting your role within your organization and voluntary experience with INFORMS by July 10th 2016.
Thank you!
Tarun Mohan Lal
2017 INFORMS Prize Committee Chair
Tarun Mohan Lal
Principal, Practice Redesign and Analytics
Mayo Clinic
Rochester MN