Dear colleagues,
Several months ago we started our preparations for the conference and, hard to believe how fast these months passed by, the conference is opening this week! To those not able to join this year, we thought you might still be interested in seeing the program.
This message provides information that we hope will help you make the best use of the conference program for planning sessions to attend or just perusing what you’re missing. We have provided two key options, interactive and static (and each comes in different flavours), so you may want to explore them a bit:
- Interactive program. Recommended. This is the most up-to-date version and the only one will be updated as authors notify us of changes. Internet connection required. The “Create my program” button at the end of the program sends sessions of your choice to your calendar application. A mobile version is available as well but it does not seem to have the ICS export function.
- Static program – “printer friendly” PDF files of SIG and main conference schedules only.
- Static program – an ebook that incorporates the schedules of talks as well as everything else we considered relevant about the conference. Downloadable. A printed version without abstracts will be provided at the registration desk.
- Static program – mobile app Conference4me. An internet connection is required at the first start for downloading MSOM2016 information but the app can be used after that without any connection. Unfortunately, even with the internet, it does not sync with our interactive schedule in real time.
We hope you find some of these options convenient and look forward to seeing many of you in Auckland!
Best regards,
Valery Pavlov on behalf of the organizing committee.
Valery Pavlov
Senior Lecturer, Co-director DECIDE Lab
University of Auckland