The George B. Dantzig Award is given for the best dissertation in any area of operations research and the management sciences that is innovative and relevant to practice. This award has been established to encourage academic research that combines theory and practice and stimulates greater interaction between doctoral students (and their advisors) and the world of practice. The award is given at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.
All certificates read as follows (1st & 2nd Prizes): for the best dissertation that is innovative and relevant to the practice of operations research and the management sciences.
Application Process
The George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award Committee is now accepting entries for the 2015 award. The award for the best OR/MS dissertation serves to promote greater interaction between academia and industry by encouraging researchers to conduct innovative research that is relevant to practice in any area of operations research and management science. The first and second place winners will receive awards of $800 and $400 respectively. Additional finalists will receive honorable mentions with $100 awards. Prizes will be awarded at the 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Each entry must:
1. Consist of a doctoral dissertation written primarily by the entrant no more than 15 months prior to the submission deadline (completed between March 31, 2014 and June 30, 2015) and not previously submitted.
2. Present original ideas obtained predominantly by the entrant.
3. Clearly illustrate and demonstrate the relevance of the work in practice and the potential impact in industry.
Entrants should collect and submit the following items by June 30, 2015:
1. A letter of recommendation from the entrant's thesis advisor that describes the significance of the research and comments on the originality of the work.
2. A letter of recommendation from an industry associate that describes the relevance and the potential benefits of the research in their organization. This letter must be written by a manager familiar with the research who has served as an advisor to the research or as a coordinator to the on-site research project. The manager should be informed that they may be contacted by the committee members asking questions regarding the entrant's research.
3. A summary of the dissertation (less than 5 double-spaced pages) highlighting the significance of the problem, the novelty of the methodological approach, the contribution of the research to industry, and the scope of the dissertation.
4. A self-contained paper (less than 25 double-spaced pages) based on the thesis so that the award committee can evaluate the contribution of the work.
Entrants should send the above items in an email (subject line beginning with "Dantzig", and items as separate PDF files) to the Chair of the George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award.
Please see this page online for complete details:
2015 Committee Chair:
Nils Rudi
In addition, the signed originals of the letters of recommendation should be mailed, postmarked on or before June 30, 2015 to:
Attention: Courtney Biefeld
5521 Research Park Drive, Suite 200
Catonsville, MD 21228 U.S.A.
Nils Rudi
Associate Professor