About ISMS

About the INFORMS Marketing Science Society

The major purpose of the ISMS is to foster the development, dissemination, and implementation of knowledge, basic and applied research, and science and technologies that improve the understanding and practice of marketing. 


Among ISMS's activities are planning and carrying out both the annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference and Doctoral Consortium; overseeing the premier publication outlet for quantitative marketing, Marketing Science; awarding a number of annual prizes recognizing  the best work done in the field (ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition, Bass Dissertation Paper AwardJohn D. C. Little Best Paper AwardLilien MSI/ISMS Practice PrizeLong Term Impact AwardBuck Weaver Award, and ISMS Fellows Award), maintaining policies for the Society, and overseeing its finances, membership, and outreach to both acadmia and industry.